Workshops and Meditation

Daily meditation and Great Invocation

Kick off your day with a boost of HOLY LOVE and be your authentic self

  • Monday to Wednesday at 8am EST: Twin Hearts Meditation and Great Invocation

  • Thursday at 8am EST: Archangel meditation and Great Invocation

  • Friday 8am EST: Meditation and healing


Zoom Meeting ID: 886 4489 3114; Passcode: 5683


November 9 & 10 from 10 am to 4.30 pm EDT.

To register, kindly fill in the form and make the payment by e-transfer.

Fees: $399

Are you ready to unleash divine power within you, be your authentic self, to bring your health to another level?

Be ready to build the bridge of the Antakharana, connect with Higher Consciousness and tap into the HOLY LOVE from the SOURCE.

Our forthcoming workshops can guide you further.

Holy Fire® Reiki is a divine energy with its own consciousness, subtler and yet powerful. The divine energy gently heals at physical, emotional and psychological levels.  This beautiful healing technique provides purification, empowerment and guidance. Once received, it continues to expand and heals at deep consciousness levels. One of the more wonderful effects is a feeling of being loved with a deep and empowering feeling that is very nurturing.

Lovingly heals deeply and quickly without distress and helps to release deep-seated emotions.

Heals relationships and interactions with others.

Spontaneously provides guidance that is palatable for every level of life experience.

Helps to develop love for self and others, kindness, patience, confidence, vitality, enthusiasm, optimism, trust, joy, peace and much more.

The 2-day online workshop includes:

  • e-Workbook
  • Explanation on the physical body and the energy body
  • Aura, chakras, meridians and nadis
  • Initiation through placement and experience
  • Initiation to 3 Reiki symbols
  • Practice healing with the symbols
  • Practice for self-healing
  • Practice to heal others through distance healing

To register, kindly fill in the form and make the payment.

Not sure…any question…send us an email now!