Sanjai and Tara, the Miracle Healers!

Five years back I and my husband, Arjan, met two gentle kind Souls, Tara and Sanjai. At that time I was undergoing severe pain in my right wrist. I was having problem cooking or lifting anything. On advice of my doctor, I was undergoing physiotherapy , which was not helping much. I was wearing a wrist brace 24 hours for support. At our chance meeting both Tara and Sanjai offered to help me. I was a nonbeliever in energy healing and gently avoided the offer. It came to a point that I was told that surgery was the only option. Wanting to avoid surgery, I reached out to Sanjai for healing. At that point I had nothing to loose. Within 7-8 sessions, I was pain free! It was a miracle. It has been 5 years since then.

Tara and Sanjai have treated Arjan and I on many other occasions relieving us of pain. We recommend everyone to try their magic healing powers. The are gifted. May God bless them and help them to continue healing all those in need.

Thank-you, Sanjai and Tara

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